
Jewish Hate is up by 0% in the U.S. It’s time to Stand Up and fight back.

Request a Blue Square 

Unengaged Americans who have seen our ads are 46%more likely to stand up to Jewish Hate
View our Research
The Blue Square Campaign
In 2023, FCAS introduced the Blue Square as a unifying symbol of solidarity, calling on individuals and communities to take a stand against Jewish hate. Since its debut, the Blue Square has been worn and shared across the globe. It has shined on Times Square in New York City and been worn by lawmakers on Capitol Hill, celebrities, and allies alike. You can wear and share the Blue Square to signal your allyship in the fight against hate.

How to Stand Up:

Share the Blue Square

Shine a light on Jewish Hate. Post it, wear it, and use it to start conversations. A small symbol can make a big impact.

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Stand Up to Hate

Your voice matters. Speak out against Jewish Hate—online, in your community, and wherever hate appears. Change starts with action.

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Support the Cause

Donate, volunteer, or amplify the message. Every action fuels the fight against Jewish Hate and helps build a stronger movement.

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Launched in March 2023, the Blue Square stands as the universal symbol of unity against hate. Discover the story behind its origin.

Activating our Community

The success of the Blue Square campaign would not be possible without our community, government, sports, and corporate partners. From showcasing the Blue Square ads in sports arenas to handing out Blue Square pins to employees, we are able to reach previously unengaged individuals across the country.


Latest Campaign

Our Impact

June-December 2024

We successfully shifted 2% of Unengaged to become Allies

A large digital billboard on the side of a highway displays the message "STAND UP TO JEWISH HATE. STAND UP TO ALL HATE." along with a blue square symbol and the website

Request your #🟦 Blue Square pin to proudly show your support.​​