At the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS), we’re in pursuit of dedicated individuals committed to fostering a world free from prejudice. As defenders of and upstanders for Jews, we recognize that combating antisemitism is a collective effort, transcending the Jewish community and resonating with all champions of equality and justice.
Joining our team means more than just accepting a role. It’s an active commitment to a movement against intolerance, advocating for understanding, and seeking sustained impact. We invite you to explore our openings and stand alongside us in this critical endeavor.
Join Our Team. Explore career opportunities with the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) and be part of a dedicated team working to create a more empathetic, united world.
© The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism
FCAS is a nonpartisan, registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Learn more.